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welcome to West Africa specialty coffee association

Join the movement for a thriving coffee industry in West Africa.

WASCA is bringing together coffee enthusiasts, professionals, and stakeholders to create economic growth and sustainability in West Africa's specialty coffee sector. Join us today and be part of the revolution.

At WASCA, we believe in the power of collaboration, innovation, and quality to drive economic growth and sustainability in the specialty coffee sector. Join us in our mission to create a thriving coffee industry that benefits farmers, producers, and coffee lovers alike. Together, we can shape a brighter future for West Africa's coffee industry.

Transforming West Africa's coffee industry for a brighter future.

The Specialty Coffee Revolution

The Economic Impact of Specialty Coffee

The proliferation of specialty coffee has led to the creation of an economic hub, giving rise to a network of importers and exporters who specialize in this niche. Central to this development is the West African Specialty Coffee Exchange, a platform that facilitates the trade of high-quality coffee beans.

Focusing on Smallholders in Specialty Coffee

The specialty coffee sector assures that smallholder producers receive fair compensation for their produce. This not only supports their livelihood but also encourages the production of high-quality specialty coffee.

Promotion of Domestic Consumption

Efforts are made to improve and promote domestic consumption of specialty coffee. This includes coordination with regional coffee roasters, retailers, coffee shops, cafes, and others to develop a positive coffee culture

West Africa Specialty Coffee Exchange

A platform aimed at streamlining trade, enhancing market access, and fostering a business-friendly climate for specialty producers.

Unlock the potential of West Africa's specialty coffee industry.


Expand your coffee business with greater market reach.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to grow your coffee business. With enhanced market access through WASCA, you can reach a wider audience and increase your sales. Join us today and be part of a thriving coffee industry that benefits everyone involved.


Experience the best in specialty coffee.

Elevate your coffee experience with trusted quality and certification. We are committed to promoting collaboration, innovation, and quality in the specialty coffee sector of West Africa. Join us today to be a part of creating a thriving coffee industry that benefits everyone involved.


Indulge in the rich flavors of responsibly sourced West Africa coffee.

Experience the delight of ethically sourced, high-quality coffee from West Africa. With every sip, you'll taste the dedication to sustainability and the commitment to excellence that goes into every cup. Join us in supporting a thriving coffee industry that benefits farmers, consumers, and the environment.


Commitment to Research

WASCA collaborates with regional and global research institutions to introduce new coffee varieties and preventive measures against diseases. It also explores avenues for value addition, ensuring that West Africa coffees remain competitive and innovative.

Together, let's build a thriving
coffee industry in West Africa.

Join WASCA Today!

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